Litla býflugan
Ég hef alltaf verið svo undrandi á því hve mikilli skelfingu við mannfólkið fyllumst í nærveru flugna og skorkvikinda.
Ég ætlaði alltaf að skrifa um þessa undarlegu hegðun, að æpa og hlaupa með blaktandi hendur þegar þessi kríli svífa í kringum okkur. En svo sá ég þessa grein í The Onion. You snooze, you lose, býst ég við.
Mér finnst þetta sjúklega fyndið:
The college-educated humans, all of whom are not allergic to bee-sting venom and possess both cerebral and muscular capacities several orders of magnitude beyond that of the insect, proceeded to retreat in abject fright from its half-millimeter stinger, which, when used, causes a twinge of discomfort followed by mild irritation and kills the bee.
According to entomologists at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Apis mellifera was most likely trying to pollinate a nearby cluster of dandelions and was not, as alleged by 50-year-old attorney Georgia Sakko, who has twice endured the pain of childbirth and successfully battled breast cancer, "out to get us."
Ég ætlaði alltaf að skrifa um þessa undarlegu hegðun, að æpa og hlaupa með blaktandi hendur þegar þessi kríli svífa í kringum okkur. En svo sá ég þessa grein í The Onion. You snooze, you lose, býst ég við.
Mér finnst þetta sjúklega fyndið:
The college-educated humans, all of whom are not allergic to bee-sting venom and possess both cerebral and muscular capacities several orders of magnitude beyond that of the insect, proceeded to retreat in abject fright from its half-millimeter stinger, which, when used, causes a twinge of discomfort followed by mild irritation and kills the bee.
According to entomologists at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Apis mellifera was most likely trying to pollinate a nearby cluster of dandelions and was not, as alleged by 50-year-old attorney Georgia Sakko, who has twice endured the pain of childbirth and successfully battled breast cancer, "out to get us."
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